1) He saw this film yesterday
общий Did he see this film yesterday?
альтернативный Did he see this film yesterday or 5 days ago?
специальный When did he see this film?
разделительный He saw this film yesterday, didn*t he?
вопрос к подлежащему Who saw this film yesterday?.
2) I will go to school tomorrow
общий Will I go to school tomorrow?
альтернативный Will I go to school or to the cinema tomorrow?
специальный Where will I go tomorrow?
разделительный I will go to school tomorrow, won*t I?
вопрос к подлежащему Who will go to school tomorrow?.
3) We are reading an interesting book now
общий Are we reading an interesting book now?
альтернативный Are we reading an interesting book or a magazine now?
специальный What are we reading now?
разделительный We are reading an interesting book now, aren*t we?
вопрос к подлежащему Who is reading an interesting book now?
I want to give my mother a bouquet of flowers
I want to give dad a radio
I'll Gift grandma a ball of thread
I'll give grandpa a toy tank
I want to give my mom a toy ring
I want to give dad a wool scarf
I want to give grandma a basket
I'll give grandpa a toy gun
I'll Gift my aunt a hat
I'll give my uncle shoes
Я хочу подарить маме букет цветов
Я хочу подарить папе радио
Я подарю бабушке клубок ниток
Я подарю дедушке игрушечный танк
Я хочу подарить маме игрушечное кольцо
Я хочу подарить папе шерстяной шарф
Я хочу подарить бабушке корзинку
Я подарю дедушке игрушечный пистолет
Я подарю своей тете шляпу
Я подарю дяде туфли
buy cost expensive much send
A: How much does the new laptop cost___?
B: £449.
A: That’s very expensive__ . My new one was only £349. Are you going to
buy it?
B: I don’t know. Perhaps I need to send George an email and ask him.
He’s an expert.
A: Good idea.