Pre-packaged fresh fruit and vegetables are considered to be convenient time-savers for many consumers and a profit-maker for supermarkets.
The world's first washing-up liquid bottle made from reclaimed ocean plastic is to go on sale in UK supermarkets later this month.
Aluminium cans contain more than 51% recycled content, which is much more than any other beverage container material.
Cost of public transport is low, because it is very cheap to catch it every day, which is why even people who own a car often use public transport.
So different from the strutting hooligans of yesterday, who came here to pollute the air of this town.
For there was a time when there were no newspapers, nothing for father to read at breakfast-time, and no old newspapers to crumple up and light fires with.
It's smells horrible, it's unbelievable, but I don't want to put it in the bath, because I'm afraid it'll drawn.
Plastic bottles were first used commercially in 1947 but remained relatively expensive until the early 1950s when high-density polyethylene was introduced.
I bought pre-packaged groceries at the store. - Я купила расфасованные продукты в магазине.
I wash dishes with washing-up liquid. - Я мою посуду жидкостью для мытья посуды.
I love food made of aluminum cans. - Я очень люблю еду из консервов.
I don't have a car and I use public transport. - У меня нет машины и я пользуюсь общественным транспортом.
Many plants pollute the air with emissions. - Многие заводы загрязняют воздух выбросами.
Every tourist should be able to light a fire. - Каждый турист должен уметь разжечь костер.
Your socks smell horrible. - Твои носки ужасно пахнут.
From plastic bottles I made craft. - Из пластиковых бутылок я сделала поделку.
At night you can light a fire and spy on the knight!