В упр. 1.1) нужно вставить слова в пропуск, как в примере. Полностью списывать предложение не нужно. Рядом со словом пишете по-русски, почему вы выбрали именно это слово. В упр. 1.2) написать перевод слов, вы найдете их в упр. 1.1).
One day, about a year after Tom had retired, when I stayed/was staying (оба варианта верны) with Tom's brother, he said: “Let's go and see old Tom I haven't seen him for a long time. He will be happy to see us”. When we came up to his place. Tom was sitting outside the oldcarriage which he had got as a present on his retirement, smoking his pipe in the heavy rain “Why on earth you are sitting there? Why don't you go inside the carriage out of the rain?" "But it's a non-smoking carriage,” he answered.
I ( sent) it to the TV festival but it (was not ) a success. What a surprise it (was) for me to see my own film on on my favourite channel. My friend (said) to me: "You ( left) a disk with your film a month ago. I (was watching) it one day when my friend, a famouse film director, came to me. He had already (made) three very successful films and (was going) to work on a new one. He (was) so much impressed by the film that he ( felt) sorry that the film would never be shown to the audience. Two weeks (passed) after the film director (had taken) it to the studio and it was on the TV schedule! "You have always ( wanted) the film, I ( thanked) my friend and (went) home. I was sure that everyone in the street (was looking) at me. I ( felt) so happy and excited.
One day, about a year after Tom had retired, when I stayed/was staying (оба варианта верны) with Tom's brother, he said: “Let's go and see old Tom I haven't seen him for a long time. He will be happy to see us”. When we came up to his place. Tom was sitting outside the oldcarriage which he had got as a present on his retirement, smoking his pipe in the heavy rain “Why on earth you are sitting there? Why don't you go inside the carriage out of the rain?" "But it's a non-smoking carriage,” he answered.