Listen to the audio and choose the right answer to the question. The audio: Who is listening to the music? Was Talgat at the concert in Nur-Sultan? Where are they talking?
1. The teacher points at the blackboard when he wants to explain something. Учитель показывает на доску, когда хочет что-то объяснить. points - глагол в 3-м лице, ед. числа2. Computers and lasers are being widely introduced at plants and factories. Компьютеры и лазеры широко представлены на заводах и фабриках. plants and factories - существительные во множественном числе. 3. Great changes in people’s lives and work were brought about by the scientific and technological progress. Большие изменения в работе и в жизни людей произошли с развитием научного и технического прогресса. changes, lives - сущ. во мн. числе; people's -существ. в притяжательном падеже.4. The electronic industry produces several types of minicomputers. Электронная промышленность выпускает несколько типов миникомпьютеров. produces -глагол в 3-м лице, ед. числа; minicomputers - существительное во множеств. числе.
William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, investor, and principal founder of Microsoft Corporation.
1. Bill Gates is 62 years old. 2. Paul Allen is his schoolfriend. 3. Yes, he is married to Melinda French. 4. She is Bill's daughter. She is 22 years old now. 5. Bill began writing programmes in his school years. 6. Microsoft became the largest computer company in 1986. 7. He became one of the richest men in the world because his programme 'Microsoft' became the most popular computer programme in the world.