In every season of the year, in every day, whether it is sunny or rainy, you can find a lot of miracles.
So in the summer, when the sun is shining, you can lie down in the shade and enjoy the birdsong. And in the hot summer period you can sunbathe, swim in the ponds, relax in the countryside.
And in the fall, when it rains and slush on the street, it’s so nice to get together at home with friends, drink tea and tell interesting stories. It’s also interesting to listen to the rain late in the evening, before you are going to sleep, how the raindrops hit the cornice loudly.
In winter, there is nothing better than making a snowman in the courtyard, and then, already at home, climb under the warmest blanket and drink hot tea, listening as the frosty wind howls outside the window.
ответ: 6 2. "Ні, я не розповіла Брайану свою таємницю", - сказала вона. 3. "Ти вчора ввечері пішов на вечірку Білла? Марк попросив його поправитись. - Давайте зустрінемось на обід завтра", - сказав він. 4. Не забудьте запросити міс Грін на вечерю наступної п’ятниці, 5. Вона яка була у вас Першу книгу про ?? він запитав у відомого 6. Я нервуюсь, бо я ніколи не був у літаку 7. Купую трохи молока по дорозі додому, з роботи, 8. "Wher" Де живе твій брат? " - запитав хлопчик. 9. "Не будьте грубими перед клієнтами, сказав менеджер магазину 10." Ні, я не позичу вам велосипед ", - сказав він. 6 11. "Я зателефоную до поліції, якщо ви не відключите цю музику 66 12." Так, я розбив вазу ", - сказав він." "Вибачте, що я закричав на вас вчора, він сказав їй . 14 "Ти вкрав гроші з моєї сумки!" - сказала вона Маркові. Сказала шестигранна сестра. - сказав Том. Му він сказав своєму «Ви повинні відвідати Ейфелеву вежу, коли ви перебуваєте в Парижі», - сказав Джек
In the campaign Every journey - touching something significant and beautiful. So said another writer Paustovsky . Begin to take up the best travel through hiking . My parents have long go hiking weekend . I will also often went with them. I especially remember the star trek , we made this summer in the Leningrad region . Why is it called star ? Because several tourist groups came from different places and were supposed to meet in one place. At that time it was a town of Pushkin. In place of the meeting at that time met more than a thousand tourists. During the hike we competed with other families in guiding tourists to the area. This is very interesting , I began to understand better the azimuths and map various techniques orientation without any adaptations. But the interesting thing was waiting for us at the end. Under Pushkin rally held in a variety of fun contests - to foment fires for cooking dinner cruising speed , on the run for cross country and others. Then there were the bard songs with a guitar at a bonfire , performance poets and professional singers . In general, it was very interesting , and I'm unlikely to be able to forget this stellar campaign. I grew up, rested, stronger and have learned more about how to live an interesting and fun !