Вы любите бывать на природе? Не в городском парке, а именно где-нибудь за городом, в лесу или на реке. Наверное, редкий человек этого не любит. У меня есть свои любимые места вокруг нашего села. Село небольшое, но здесь есть пруды и лес. Лес начинается сразу за селом. Он не густой и дремучий, как в других местах. Вокруг села он больше напоминает колки. Но, если посмотреть с небольшого возвышения, то лесной чаще нет конца и края. Есть в лесу одно место, которое я нашла случайно. Это небольшие заросли совсем молодого березняка. Ему всего около пяти лет. Березовый лесок очень густой. Тоненькие березки как будто жмутся одна к другой. Ведь еще не так давно здесь было поле. А теперь березовый лес вступает в свои права, еще несмело, но с каждым годом все увереннее и увереннее. На Английском: What is your favorite in nature? Not in a city park, namely somewhere outside the city, in the woods or on the river. Probably a rare person that does not like. I have my favorite places around our village. The village is small, but there are ponds and woods. Forest begins right outside the village. He's not thick and dense as in other places. Around the village, he looks more like splitting. But, if you look on a small elevation, the thicket is no end in sight. There in the forest is one place that I found by accident. This is a small thicket of very young birch. He was only about five years. Birch grove very thick. Thin birch huddle like one another. After all, not so long ago there was a field. Now birch forest comes into its own, even timidly, but with each passing year and more confident.
Children go to school which are twinned with schools in other countries. They swap information with on another. They make pen friends who they communicate with bye-mail. They learn a lot of interesting things about their lifestyles, cultures and religions. Children go to international schools. Every day they mix with children who have different religions, cultures and lifestyles. Children take part incross-culturalprojects. They communicate with one another by sharing different stories and experiences. They also take part in different activities. Anycross-culturalcommunication helps children from different countries: to know what life is like in different countries; to learn more about other cultures, lifestyles and traditions; to understand how big the world is and how many people live on the planet we call home; to understand that we are all different and at that same time we are much alike.
Do you win the race?
Does she watch fireworks?
Does he write a poem?
Do we fly to the Moon?
Do they travel around the world?