A. 1.Soon the brothers came to the conclusion that it was heat but not smoke that lifted things. 2.What o like about working as a freelancer is that i dont have to stay in the office. 3.The salary is good the job is rewarding the only problem is that its a bit hard for me to meet deadlines. 4.The animals landed safe and sound before the eyes jf a huge crowd 5.Mary has worked overtime every day this week as its the busiest time in the company 6.John has to wear a uniform there are strict rules in his school
B. 7.A.Jack looked really tired yesterday. B.No wonder he had been working on the computer all night 8.A.Did sally help you do the project? B.No by the time she came we had finished it already 9A.Elisa looked happy when I saw her. B.Its because she had got her driving license 10A.Ann was angry when I spilled milk over her dress. B. Sure because she had been making that dress herself for a week! 11 A.You looked puzzled in the underground...why? B well...you see I hadn't been being in the underground before that was the first time
C. 12.Peter was looking window shop when he felt somebodys hand in his pocket. 13.We overslept and when at last we arrived at the station our train had left already. 14.She had been trying to call him for an hour but she managed to get throuhg to him 15.He didn't come to us yesterday but we hope he will come today. 16.When have you got your first job?
I would like to tell you about a great Maslenitsa celebration in Russia. It is celebrated on last Sunday of March, when winter is losing its rights and spring comes. On this day there are Russian great folk festivals with horses, getting a living rooster from the post, a lot of jokes, songs and dances. On the streets of cities, towns and villages different mummers walk, they offer everybody hot tea and Russian pancakes with different toppings: honey, jam, butter, eggs! But most importantly is the effigy of winter that is burnt and everyone rejoices the beautiful spring coming.
Я хочу рассказать о замечательном празднике Масленица. Его отмечают в последнее воскресенье марта, когда зима сдает свои права, и приходит весна. В этот день в России большие народные гулянья с катанием на лошадях, доставанием живого петуха со столба, шутками, песнями и плясками. На улицах городов и сел ходят ряженые, всем предлагают всем горячий чай и русские блины с разными начинками: медом, вареньем, маслом, икрой! Но самое главное, на площади сжигают чучело зимы и радуются наступлению красавицы-весны.
boiled rice
(Смаження рис має більше жиру ніж варений рис )
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