1.В пустыне очень трудно выжить без еды и воды.
2.Машина соскользнула с мокрой дороги и врезалась в дерево.
3.Молния вспыхивает по небу и ударяется о дерево на вершине холма.
4.Он пристегивается на сиденье перед запуском двигателя
5.Он упал с балкона и ему повезло избежать серьезных травм.
6.Она изо всех сил старалась остаться в живых, пока команда не нашла её.
1.Колючка на кусте дала Джейн царапину на ноге.
2. У Джейка была большая шишка на голове после удара по столу.
3.У мужчины была сломана кость.
4.У солдата был большой порез на ноге, который заразился.
5.Мяч ударил меня и оставил большой черный синяк на моем плече.
every person has his own family. it may be good, unusual etc.
i`d like to tell you about my family. it`s not very large. my mother doesn`t work. she is good, clever and she always waits for me from school. she can do everything and she teaches me a lot of things. i like her very much.
my father is a captain of the police. he has a very responsible work. he helps people. he is seldom at home because he has a lot of work, but we know that he loves us. to my mind, my father is the best man i have ever met.
i have a sister, called ksyusha. she studies at the ural medical academy. when she graduates from it, she`ll become a dentist. she is a creative person. she likes to write funny verses and compose songs. it`s always interesting and funny with her. she is sociable and she has a lot of friends. i miss ksyusha very much because she lives in yekaterinburg and i always wait for weekends when she comes home.
we are having a great time together. we like to go camping and play table games. i like my family. i want to be a good daughter and make my family happy.