Eluga whale - the queen of the Altai - can not leave anyone indifferent , it is so beautiful, majestic and graceful, that in any cause a storm of feelings and emotsiy.Pervym mentioned Mount Belukha in his travel notes , which covered 1793 , the traveler P. Shangin . Lush, as the Siberian fur coats , snow apparel on the shoulders of Fine Belugas also made a lasting impression on him . In the first half of the XIX century. traveler Friedrich Gebler opened here at the origins of the Katun , Altai glaciers first . One of them is named after him. Gebler made another discovery found that beluhskie top - the highest point of Altai. Later, the height of beluga whales identified in the 4506 meters above morya.Naibolee is difficult climbing route from the north - the so -called Akkem wall, steep area north side of Beluga whales between the eastern and western vershinami.Izdavna Beluha considered sacred . And yet considered it a haven formidable force and fear to even look at her. Common belief that her ice palaces and caves inhabited by an evil spirit Ehrlich , who will punish anyone who dares to climb the slopes of the Belugas : avalanches , rockfalls , landslides . It was said that anyone who dares to climb the Belukha lose vision. Much of this has now explained. For example , the first brave souls who attempted to climb the glaciers and snowfields without dark glasses , really blinded by the searing of the reflected light.
At last holidays came! I was very happy! I didn't have to get up early in the morning and run to school. I could stay in the bed till midday. But I didn't want to sleep. There were a lot of things to do. The weather was fine so my friends and I went for a walk every day. It was fun! Then I spent a month in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. It was great. I drank milk and ate a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me. I have many friends in this village because I go there every holidays. We played football and tennis every day! There is a small river near the forest and we swam when the weather was fine. It was great! I liked my holidays very much.
Наконец наступили каникулы! Я был очень счастлив! Я не должен был вставать рано утром и бежать в школу. Я мог оставаться в постели до полудня. Но я не хотел спать. Было так много дел. Погода была хорошая, так что мои друзья и я ходили гулять каждый день. Это было весело! Затем я провел месяц в деревне, где живут мои дедушка и бабушка . Это было здорово. Я пил молоко и ел много вкусной пищи, которую моя бабушка готовила для меня. У меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. Мы даже играли в футбол и теннис! Около леса есть небольшая речка. Мы купались, когда погода была хорошая. Это было здорово! Мне очень понравились мои каникулы.
1. had
2. finished
3. liked
4. broke
5. met
6. went
7. watched
8. did not go
9. did leave
10. did hate
11. read
12. made
13. played
14. did not listen
15. got
16. did visit
17. drank
18. did not enjoy
19. did work
20. saw