London in the capital of Great Britan
A visit to the theater with a friend even sounds fun. I already visited the theater earlier, but only with my parents and I was a little bored, because I could not share my respects with anyone. Parents govortle among themselves, but I did not get it. But today I go there with a friend and am just ready to shout about my implants. The theater is simply gorgeous with long red steps like snakes that you see right at the entrance to the theater already thinking that you didn’t see anything steeper you look down on the floor, and it is just like trillions of small squares assembled in my opinion and now I almost faint upside down and see the ceiling, I thought these ceilings can only be seen in paradise, but I was mistaken in our world. To describe this picture is simply no words, take the word it's beautiful, very beautiful. I turn my head back to the starting position and begin to run my eyes through this hall, and involuntarily notice that my friend is frozen and cannot take his eyes off the ceiling. But he and I have to do it since the show has already begun, which, by the way, was superb.
1…B) global energy predicted to rise nearly sixty per cent in the next twenty years.
2. …E) this rise is due to factors such as population growth, urbanization, and economic and industrial expansion.
3. …G)many countries have set themselves renewable energy targets, hoping to be able to generate a proportion of the electricity by such renewable means as wind or solar power.
On a cloudy day in Britain 4…C) solar panels, solar water heaters and wind generators can generate enough electricity for the household to pay 140 hours of TV and make 35 cups of tea.
5…A) a one kilowatt solar panelsaves up to a ton of CO2 emissions each years.
6…D) these renewable energy systems.all help to provide alternative sources of energy for private homes and 7 I) they…are no longer prohibitively expensive.
8. … F) a solar roof .can make savings for householders in the long run, and in Britain 9. …H) the providing financial help with the cost of installing them.
London in the capital of Great Britain