My friends and I have a very good time in the Park. We have a lot of fun. There is an ice cream parlor here. There are chocolate, strawberries, etc. there are many different carousels in the Park. We went around almost everyone. And even on some of them twice. There are carousels for both young children and older children. There is also a Museum of paintings in the Park. There are very interesting, original and beautiful paintings and photos. There is also a mini Aqua Park in the Park. It's also very fun.
1) Make the present an event.
2) Make a list of all the things the person is interested in and the things that define who they are.
3) Ask yourself what that person needs.
4) Do some stalking. Most people have a wishlist, and they'll be pretty surprised if you somehow found the thing they wanted without even asking.
В виде письма:
Dear friend, It's your birthday, and I don't know where to start. There are many things I'd like to say on your special day. So let me start by saying the most obvious thing: You're my best friend. Since the moment you walked into my life, we got along just perfectly. You were like the perfect piece to my puzzle. Not that anything was missing, but you became a part of me and you made me better than I was without you. I want to wish you happiness, good luck, health and that all your wishes come true.
Happy Birthday!
Your beloved friend.