I can speak English. Can you?
2. My dad does not know how to drive a car.
3. My sister does not know how to write and read, but she will be able to write the next year, because she will go to school.
4. I can’t talk to this bore, he’s so boring and slow.
5. He cannot wait a bit, because he is a very impatient person. He is a true risk lover.
6. If you can make your enemies your friends, then you can always be at peace with everyone.
7. Nobody wants to dance with her, today she is a girl without a gentleman. Can you dance with her?
8. Sometimes he can be a sociable person, and sometimes just a bore.
9. Usually he pays a fare, but sometimes he drives a hare.
10. If my close friend turns out to be a traitor and a gossip, then I will become a lone wolf. I can start all over again.
11. The fatal woman can cause many problems to those who fall in love with her.
12. This woman can dominate men and be very energetic and aggressive.
13. Only an eccentric person like him can surprise me like that.
14. Roll the field - this is a person who can change his place of residence several times.
15. Can you do this job tomorrow? “I think I can.”
16. We will be able to leave for London in a year.
17. Yesterday I could not visit him and talk with him, but today I can do it.
18. I was able to buy a new phone. Now I can talk to my friends anytime.
When I HANG out with my friends on Saturdays we usually try to CATCH a new FILM at the cinema. After the film, we GRAB a bite to EAT in one of the fast food cafès. We also CHECK out the SHOPS for new gadgets. Sometimes we go on TRIPS to the COUNTRYSIDE to enjoy the outdoors.
Когда я тусуюсь с друзьями по субботам, мы обычно пытаемся посмотреть новый фильм в кинотеатре. После фильма перекусываем в одном из кафе быстрого питания. Мы также посещаем магазины в поисках новых гаджетов. Иногда мы отправляемся в поездки за город, чтобы насладиться природой.