Ingredients: You need 150 g flour, 30 g butter and a little vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, 2-3 tablespoons of milk, 2 tomatoes, 50 g cheese, 50 g salami or ham, a pinch of dry mushrooms. Ингредиенты: 150 г муки, 30 г сливочного масла и немного растительного масла, щепотка соли, 2-3 ст. ложки молока, 2 помидора, 50 г сыра, 50 г салями или ветчины, горсть сушеных грибов. Method: First of all oil the pan. Put the flour and salt into a bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it with the flour. Add some milk and mix into a dough. Put the dough into the oiled pan. Put the toppings (this means small pieces of tomatoes, cheese, ham and mushrooms) on the dough. Bake for about 15 minutes in a hot oven. Cut your pizza in several pieces and enjoy it. Приготовление: Прежде всего, смажьте сковороду растительным маслом. Высыпьте муку и соль в миску. Нарежьте сливочное масло на маленькие куски и смешайте с мукой. Добавьте молоко и замесите тесто. Выложите тесто в смазанную сковороду. Выложите начинку ( маленькие кусочки томатов, сыра, ветчины и грибов) на тесто. Выпекайте около 15 минут в горячей духовке. Разрежьте вашу пиццу на несколько частей и наслаждайтесь. Приятного аппетита!
1 If she (worked) harder, she (would earn) more money. 2 (would you tidy) your bedroom if I (paid) you? 3 If he (ate) all his birthday cake, he would (be) ill. 4 They (would not be) unhealthy if they (exercised)more. 5 If they (left) earlier, they (could) catch the bus. 6 You (would save) some money if you (took) fewer taxis. 7 If I (hit) a parked car, I (would not stop) 8 If she (asked) you, would you (marry) her? 9 What (would you say) if you (met) your favourite film star? 10 If I (were) you, I (would see) a
i wasn't read
we weren't play
she wasn't play
weren't look
wasn't play
wasn't work