1. If you never hurt someone’s feelings, you are a polite and friendly person. — Если ты никогда не ранишь чьи-то чувства, то ты вежливый и дружелюбный человек.
2. If you are good at listening to others, people enjoy your company. — Если ты хорошо слушаешь других, то люди наслаждаются твоей компанией.
3. If you are a good speaker, people enjoy listening to you. — Если ты хороший оратор, то люди любят слушать тебя.
4. If you are a good observer, you see little details. — Если ты хороший наблюдатель, то ты видишь маленькие детали.
5. If you are a hardworking person, you care about your work. — Если ты трудолюбивый человек, ты заботишься о своей работе.
ответ: 1. Keeping a healthy weight lowers your risk of developing certain illnesses in the future.
2. When you work out, play a sport of even just go for walk, the muscles and bones in your body become stronger.
3. Heart is a muscle too, physical activity can keep it strong and healthy.
4. When you take part in a low-intensity activity, you do not sweat and your breathing is not affected greatly. Moderate-intensity activities should make you sweat and your heart beat faster. You cannot sing , but you can continue talking.
5. You start to sweat sooner and cannot talk without getting out of breath.