Read the text, then mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE For breakfast English people often day you can see people under the trees on the grass eating their sandwiches. English people don't cat much soup. There is only one kind of soup on the menu: onion, tomato or mushroom For the main course they have fish, steak or roast beef with vegetables: carrots, cabbages, beans or potatoes. Five o'clock tea is a national habit. English people have tea with biscuits, apple pie, fruit or fruit salad or sandwiches. At about seven or eight o'clock they have dinner or supper. It can be soup, sometimes meat and vegetables, macaroni (pasta) and cheese. The English people drink little coffee. Tea is their favorite drink. 1. English people eat much soup. 2. Five o'clock tea is their national habit. 3. They don't enjoy drinking strong tea with milk. 4. They usually have lunch at home. 5. They love to eat much bread. 6. Tea is their favorite drink. Total (6)
In the modern world there are many useful techniques. But it is not always good. On the phone to talk and text, but at the same time a lot of people use the phone for social networks and become Internet zombies. To use the equipment you need only when you need it.
На русском:
В современном мире появилось множество полезной техники. Но это не всегда хорошо. По телефону можно разговаривать и писать смс, но в тоже время много людей пользуются телефоном для социальных сетей и становятся интернет зомби. Пользоваться техникой нужно только тогда когда нужно