С самого маленького возроста у человека начинаю появлятся вредные и полезные привычки ..каких больше у каждого человека по разному,и это зависит от самого человека ..У меня есть вредные привычки,но Я стараюсь от них избавляться вот некоторые из них : я много времени провожу за компьютером,телевизором,вместо того чтобы пойти и Погулять;иногда ложусь поздно спать;не всегда утром делаю зарядку;но у меня есть и полезные привычки :я занимаюсь здоровым образом жизни;много гуляю в свободное время на свежем воздухе
Task 1.
1. Luke is the tallest boy in the class. He’s almost 2m.
2. Dad is worse than Mum at playing tennis because he’s very lazy.
3. German grammar is more difficult than English grammar.
4. Which band do you think is the best in the world?
5. Sally is the happiest person I know.
Task 2.
1. You don't have to do your homework today because it’s the weekend tomorrow.
2. We all must wear a uniform at our school. It’s blue and white.
3. Could you open the window please, Mrs Evans?
4. Paolo needn't walk to school because there’s a school bus.
5. You can go home when you finish your work.
Task 3.
1. I haven't heard the new Lady Gaga CD, but everyone says it’s really good.
2. Congratulations! You have won first prize in the school writing competition.
3. Has Kerry done her homework?
4. Mum has made a chocolate cake for my birthday.
5. We haven't eaten Japanese food. What’s it like?
Task 4.
1. I’m hungry, so I'm going to have something to eat.
2. Mum’s busy, so I won't call her now.
3. We are going to fly to Morocco next week because we’re on holiday.
4. I will help you with your homework because I’ve got some free time now.
5. Mike won't play tennis today because he’s too tired.
Task 5.
1. Tom always has an ice cream when he’s on the beach.
2. Can you ride a horse?
3. Please take a photo of me on the beach.
4. Mum is buying souvenirs at the moment.
5. I like playing games when I’m on holiday.