составить предложения о повседневных действиях (каждый день), начиная с личных местоимений: I, You, He, She, We, They (6 предложений, Present Simple V-1 без to, если He, She- V-s
I up at seven o'clock. I'm have breakfast and go dress. After dress I go to school. I have lunch at twenty o'clock. After school I go to home at two o'clock. I do my homework and go walk. After walk I have dinner at six o'clock. I go to sleep at nine o'clock.
Дорогой друг, Любезно напоминаем, Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ, китайская почта не будет работать в следующий понедельник, итак, любой неоплаченный заказ, не будет иметь времени, для того, чтобы быть отправленым раньше CNY*, надеемся на Ваше добродушное понимание и огромную Сэнди.
Возможно и немного по иному: "Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ" - вы все еще имеете заказ, который не получил оплаты.
*CNY - простите, что это за аббревиатуры, я, к сожалению, не знаю.
1, My father is a teacher. 2. He was a pupil twenty years ago. 3. I will be a doctor when I grow up. 4. My sister will not be at home tomorrow. 5. She will be at school tomorrow. 6. Will you be at home tomorrow? 7, Was... your father at work yesterday? 8. My sister ..was . ill last week. 9. She is not ill now. 10. Yesterday we... at the theatre. 11. Where is your mother now? — She is in the kitchen. 12. Where were you yesterday? — I was at the cinema. 13. When I come home tomorrow, all my family will be at home. 14.Is your little sister in bed now? — Yes, she is15.Will you be... at school tomorrow? — Yes I will . 16. When my granny was... young, she was an actress. 17. My friend K is,,. in Moscow now. 18. He will be in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 19. Where are your books now? — Theyare in my bag. 1. I will play) chess tomorrow. 2. I will not play) chess tomorrow. 3. Will you play) chess tomorrow? 4. He plays) chess every day. 5. He does (not play) chess every day. 6. Does he play) chess every day? 11. Nick goes) to school every day. 12. Nick will go) to school tomorrow. 13. Will you come) to my place next Sunday? 14. Will you read) this book next week? 15. Do you read) books every day? 17.1 will not see) him tomorrow. 18. What will you do) tomor¬row? 19. What will your friend do) tomorrow? 20. Where will you go) next summer? 21. Where do you go) every morning? 24. She dances every day. 25. Will she dance) tomorrow?
I up at seven o'clock. I'm have breakfast and go dress. After dress I go to school. I have lunch at twenty o'clock. After school I go to home at two o'clock. I do my homework and go walk. After walk I have dinner at six o'clock. I go to sleep at nine o'clock.