1. Who usually (to prepare) his lessons in this room? – This student (to do). 2. Last year I (to live) near my office. I always (to walk) there. 3. How your friend (to speak) English? – He (to speak) English badly. 4. When you (to return) home the day before yesterday? – I (to return) home at seven o’clock the day before yesterday. 5. What language you (to study) five years ago? – I (to study) French. 6. What language he (to study) now? – He (to study) German. 7. What engineers you often (to receive) last night? 9. You (to stay) at the Ministry after work the day before yesterday? – Yes, I (to do). – What you (to do) there? – I (to study) English there. 10. How long your lesson usually (to last)? – It usually (to last) two hours. 11. How long your lesson (to last) two days ago? - It (to last) one hour. 12. Who (to finish) his work at seven o’clock the day before yesterday? - I (to do). 13. With what engineers you (to discuss) this question last week? – I (to discuss) it with engineers from your office. 14. With whom you usually (to return) home? – I usually (to return) home with my wife. 15. With whom you (to discuss) this question last week-end? – We (to discuss) it with my friend. 16. How he usually (to answer) your questions at the lesson? – He (to answer) them well. 17. I (not to work) at this office five years ago. 18. What your friend usually (to do) during the English lesson? - During the lesson he usually (to read, to write and to speak) English. 19. How long you (to stay) in Kiev last year? – I (to stay) here a month. 20. Who (to give) you this magazine yesterday? – My friend (to do). – You (to read) it last night? – Yes, I (to do). – The articles in this magazine (to be) interesting? - Yes, they (to be).
1. Через неделю мы начнём орошать эту местность.
2. Рассказывая о новом проекте, лектор показал карту.
3. При чтении этой книги я не использовал словарь.
4. Они считают, что он станет хорошим инженером.
5. Студенты развивали свои навыки разговора, практикуясь в английском каждый год.
1. This article can be easily translated by him.
2. We are taught Geodesy at the University.
3. This road isn't used very often.
4) Перевести на русский: Говоря об охране почв, необходимо прежде всего точно определить, какие мероприятия следует проводить и в каком порядке.
5) Directly - indicectly, disagreement - agreement, convenience - inconvenience.