4. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из выпадающего списка.
More and more often people tryto overuse resources of the planet. It's very
important if we want to keep our planet alive. We pollute our land a lot. We use a lot
of plastic things, but we misestimate the problem of plastic waste. Now we
have a lot of garbage in the oceans and on the earth. The film industry tries to Manyartists
help. Alot of films describe the problem of misconsumption turn to this problem as well. They organise festivals and carry out projects that
aim to make people care about this problem. Each person can do something to
solve this problem. There is a lot of refaith to the information about it now.
But still, our planet is our home, and we need to protect it! Art can be a way to
attention to this issue.
3. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав из выпадающего описка,
We can debate what type of art is the most important but tastes differ. Of
course, every person admires his or her creative word and creates in the field that
he or she likes morest
It may seem that it's easier to paint a picture
than to shoot a film. But in both cases you need materials, time, resources.
Physical work seems to be harder than intellectual But sometimes it's
easier to do what you are told than to invent new things. Money doesn't
show what art is the best either. Very strange art works can cost a lot of
money, Sometimes, the strangest the workis, the morest it costs, So
you can only follow your taste and interests. The best art is the one you like!
2. Complete the sentences with the given adjectives
leading difficult talented comfortable munical famous
1 Everyactor dreams to geta leading role.
2 In the film everyone thinks their work is the most difficult
3 Manycomposers became famous after their death.
A It's not enough to be talented - you need to work hard.
5 Not all actors workin comfortable conditions.
Musicians try to make musical output by their music.
Needless to say that sport plays an important role in our life. It gives us much pleasure and many moments of joy. There are a lot of kinds of sports such as swimming, wrestling, cycling, box, football, hockey, track and field athletics. All of them are useful and exciting and help us to keep feet.
As for me I am fond of jogging and figure skating. I was going in for figure skating when I was a child and achieved good results. This is very elegant sport. You should control your body very well, if you wish to skate gracefully. And you should apply great efforts at every coaching. Now every winter if I have spare time, I go to the nearest skating-rink with my friends and we have much pleasure, skating together. I don’t forget to watch Figure Skating Championships, where our best sportsmen and sportswomen perform. Their compulsory and free programmes are beyond description and one can’t help admiring them.
Не совсем про бег про спорт.))