The thermometer column has already stepped 30 градусную over a mark. And tomorrow weather forecasters promise to plus 34.
Byelorussians have gone to parks and to reservoirs. Beaches are filled, ice-cream and soft drinks - in great demand.
Meanwhile, physicians advise these days less to happen right in the sun. Especially cautious in a heat should be people with cardiovascular diseases, elderly and to drivers. Doctors also urgently recommend not to satisfy thirst слабоалкогольными with drinks.
Really tropical heat will be in Belarus and next week. Under forecasts of weather forecasters, air will get warm to plus 36. And even at night the thermometer column will not fall below 20 degrees.
2). Give me any of this toys. (Дайте мне любую игрушку)
3). He has some food in his backpack. (У него есть немного еды в рюкзаке)
4). Do you like to have some ice cream? (Хочешь немного мороженого?)
5). You can buy it, I have some money with me. (Можешь купить это, у взял немного денег с собой)
6). Any of this will go. (Любая из этих сойдет)
7). Do you want to take some books from the library? (Хочешь взять несколько книг из библиотеки?)
8). I will eat any food, I am so hungry. (Я съем что угодно, я очень голоден)