Exercise 5. Match the terms to the sentences below:
chemicals areas atmosphere noise environment modes banriers
1. Every human activity has a minor or major effect on environment.
2. If the rail noise cannot be reduced in origin, then the solution is in noise banriers.
3. Railways have the lowest unit energy consumption compared to other transport modes.
4. Transportation activities support increasing mobility demands for passengers and freight, notably in urban areas.
5. The activities of the transport industry release several million tons of gases each year into atmosphere.
6. Noise represents the general effect of irregular and chaotic sounds on people as well as animal life.
7. Chemicals used for the preservation of wooden railroad ties may enter into the soil.
Exercise 5. Match the terms to the sentences below:
chemicals areas atmosphere noise environment modes banriers
1. Every human activity has a minor or major effect on environment.
2. If the rail noise cannot be reduced in origin, then the solution is in noise banriers.
3. Railways have the lowest unit energy consumption compared to other transport modes.
4. Transportation activities support increasing mobility demands for passengers and freight, notably in urban areas.
5. The activities of the transport industry release several million tons of gases each year into atmosphere.
6. Noise represents the general effect of irregular and chaotic sounds on people as well as animal life.
7. Chemicals used for the preservation of wooden railroad ties may enter into the soil.
A: Do you know Steven?
B: Yes. We are good friends. I have known him for more than 10 years.
A: Really? I met him for the first time last week.
A: Have you finished practising the guitar?
B: Yes, I stopped an hour ago.
A: Do you have the new Arctic Monkeys album?
B: Yes. I bought it yesterday.
A: Вы знаете Стивена?
Б: Да. Мы хорошие друзья. Я знаю его уже более 10 лет.
А: Правда? Я встретил его в первый раз на неделе.
A: Вы закончили практиковаться на гитаре?
Б: Да, я остановился час назад.
A: У вас есть новый альбом Arctic Monkeys?
Б: Да. Я купил его вчера.
Здесь надо ориентироваться на наречия времени:
for more than 10 years - указывает на перфектное время, а вот last week, yesterday, an hour ago - указатели времени. Их надо хорошо знать.