We live in a three-room flat. One of the rooms is mine.
My room isn't very large but it is light and cosy. There is a window and a balcony there. To the right of the window there is a desk where I do my homework. Above my desk there are two bookshelves on the wall.
My bed is next to the desk. To the left of the balcony door there is a comfortable armchair. There is a large wardrobe in the corner of the room.
The floor of my room is covered with a colourful rug.
I like my room very much.
Моя комната
Мы живем в трехкомнатной квартире. Одна из комнат — моя.
Моя комната не очень большая, но она светлая и уютная. В ней есть окно и балкон. Справа от окна стоит письменный стол, где я делаю домашнее задание. На стене над столом две книжные полки.
Моя кровать стоит рядом со столом. Слева от двери балкона удобное кресло. В углу стоит большой шкаф.
1. a. I was at.. b. He was.. c. She was. d. They were e. It was
2 a. I was at.. b. He was.. c. She was. d. They were e. It was
3. a.I wasn't b. he wasn't c. she wasn't d. they weren't e. It wasn't
4. a. Where were you b. Where was it c. Where was he d. WHere was she e. where were they f. Where were we
5. a. Where you b. Was he c.Was she.. d.Were they.. e. Was it f. Were we
6. a.You have b. We have c. He has d. She has e. They have f. We have..
7 точно так же как 6 8 They haven't.. We haven't... She hasn't... he hasn't... They haven't ... It hasn't 9 Have I this... Has it... Have we... Have they... Has she... has he... Have we 10 I haven't got... We haven't got... She hasn't... We haven;t He haven't It hasn't 11a.You have b. We have c. He has d. She has e. They have f. We have.. 12. I have got a... We have got... He has .. She has... It has... They have.. You have
My Room
We live in a three-room flat. One of the rooms is mine.
My room isn't very large but it is light and cosy. There is a window and a balcony there. To the right of the window there is a desk where I do my homework. Above my desk there are two bookshelves on the wall.
My bed is next to the desk. To the left of the balcony door there is a comfortable armchair. There is a large wardrobe in the corner of the room.
The floor of my room is covered with a colourful rug.
I like my room very much.
Моя комната
Мы живем в трехкомнатной квартире. Одна из комнат — моя.
Моя комната не очень большая, но она светлая и уютная. В ней есть окно и балкон. Справа от окна стоит письменный стол, где я делаю домашнее задание. На стене над столом две книжные полки.
Моя кровать стоит рядом со столом. Слева от двери балкона удобное кресло. В углу стоит большой шкаф.
Пол комнаты покрыт красочным ковром.
Мне очень нравится моя комната.