1 Am I going to the cinema ?
(я иду в кино ?) общий вопрос
2 Where am I going ?
(куда я иду ?) специальный вопрос
3 I am going to the cinema, aren't I ?
(я иду в кино, не так ли?) разделительный вопрос
4 Am I going to the cinema, or am I going home.
(я иду в кино или я иду домой ?) альтернативный вопрос
5 Who is going to the cinema ?
(кто идет в кино ?) вопрос с who
1.If you are addicted to the Internet it can be replaced by reading books.
2If you are addicted to the Internet it can be replaced by going for a walk.
3.If you are addicted to the Internet it can be replaced by going playing tennis.
4.If you are addicted to the Internet it can be replaced by going shopping.
5.If you are addicted to the Internet it can be replaced by going to the cinema with friends.
6.If you are addicted to the Internet it can be replaced by doing homework.
7.If you are addicted to the Internet it can be replaced by watching TV.
8.If you are addicted to the Internet it can be replaced by cleaning room.