1. I am reading a book. I'm not reading a book.
2. It is raining.
3. He is repairing his bike. Is he repairing his bike?
4. They are watching a film.
5. The cat is sleepng on the chair.
6. Jane and Emily are doing their homework. Are Jane and Emily doing their homework?
7. Bill is waiting at the bus stop. Bill isn't waiting at the bus stop.
8. We are listening to the radio.
9. The children are playing a game. Are the children playing a game?
10.Laura is walking the dog. Is Laura walking the dog?
1. English is spoken in many countries. - На английском языке говорят во многих странах. (Present Simple Passive)
2. The product will be advertised on TV by them. - Продукт будет рекламироваться ими по телевидению. (Future Simple Passive)
3. The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Bell. - Телефон был изобретен в 1876 году Александром Беллом. (Past Simple Passive)
4. America was discovered by Columbus. - Америка была открыта Колумбом. (Past Simple Passive)
5. The load has been taken by a van. - Груз был забран фургоном. (Present Perfect Passive)
6. The report were being discussed by them the whole evening. - Доклад был обсуждаем ими на протяжении всего вечера. (Past Continuous Passive)
He almost fell from the balcony. I'm sure that if he had fallen, he would have broken his leg or something.