Упражнение 2: Ниже приведены выдержки из двух разговоров о покупках. Определите, относится ли каждое предложение к разговору 1 или 2:
Conversation 1 – A customer calling a website's customer service representative.
Conversation 2 – A customer and a shop assistant talking in a shop.
Shopping Phrases
It arrived in a damaged box. Here's your receipt.
When I tried it to use it, it wouldn't work. I'll take it.
I was charged for something I didn't buy. It's on special offer.
How would you like to pay? I paid by credit card.
I'd like a refund please. It's a bargain.
An extra charge has appeared on my statement. In cash, please.
Упражнение 3: Заполните диалог данными словами:
fit this size take try help medium
Shop assistant: Hello! Can I you?
Customer: Yes, please. Have you got T-shirt in pink?
Shop assistant: Yes. What are you?
Customer: I’m .
Shop assistant: this one on.
A little later:
Shop assistant: Does it ?
Customer: It’s perfect. I’ll it.
I alwayswished that we had a big house , I hopewhen we move to either be your home!
In the houseprobably will have six large and comfortable rooms . I would like to have her own roomwhere I would be comfortable furniture . I wish that there was a large and comfortable bed,soft carpet , a computer desk and a large closet .
In the housewill have a kitchen , four bedrooms , living room andbath . Downstairs is a kitchen and living room and bath on the second and fourbedrooms. In the kitchen is a gas cooker, a large table for the whole family ,sink, cupboard where it will be my grandmother's set, refrigerator and chairs. The bedrooms are cozy beds , wardrobes , carpets and other furniture . In the living roomlarge sofa, a warm fireplace , and on it a TV and coffee table . In the bathwill wash basin , large mirror,own bathroom and toilet. And when you go outthe courtyard there is a large and beautiful garden, which raised my grandmother . Ingarden will be flying butterflies, dragonflies and other insects that are pleasing to the eye . Ingrandmother in the garden a lot of beautiful trees. There are apple, pear, plumbushes, raspberry bushes, and even palm trees ! I think we 'll move when bein the big house !