Abraham Lincoln is one of the most famous American presidents. He was the 16th president of the USA. Thanks to him the country successfully went through financial, military, moral and other types of crisis. He was also the person who put an end to the slavery. Abraham Lincoln was born on the 12th of February 1809 in Hodgenville, state Kentucky, in a rather poor family. He was mostly self-educated. Later on, he managed to become a lawyer, then the leader of a Whig Party, and even a member of House of Representatives for a term. He became the president at the age of 51. Lincoln has become the first American president who was assassinated. On the April 14th 1865 Lincoln was fatally shot in a theater.
Авраам Линкольн является одним из самых известных американских президентов. Он был 16-м президентом США. Благодаря ему страна успешно финансовый, военный, моральный и другие виды кризиса. Он также являлся тем человеком, который положил конец рабству. Авраам Линкольн родился 12-го февраля 1809 года, в Ходженвилле, штат Кентукки, в довольно бедной семье. Он, в основном, является самоучкой. Позже, ему удалось стать адвокатом, затем лидером партии вигов, и даже членом Палаты представителей на один срок. Он стал президентом в возрасте 51 года. Линкольн стал первым американским президентом, который был убит. 14-го апреля 1865 года Линкольн был смертельно ранен в театре.
The Bolognese are decorative , quite small dogs with long silky,curly hair.Height at withers is 25-30 sm, and weight is 3,5-4 killos.In Russia this dogs are called bolonki.Currently The Bolognese are met rarely abroad of the Italy. So far as the Bolognese are ideal Since Bolognese is an ideal home dog, she is obedient, cheerful, very attached to the owner, loves children.The Bolognese unlike the other dogs more calm.The Bolognese need to be softly looked after.The Bolognese need to be regular walked with the owner.The Bolognese should not be left alone because they don`t like it
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