Leif Eiriksson (approx. 975 g - c. 1022) - Icelandic explorer, sailed through the Strait of Davis to the shores of North America. The name of Leif Eiriksson related major historical event, which is often defined as the discovery of America nearly 500 years before Columbus. Which was confirmed in the 1960s., After the Norwegian archaeologist Helge Ingstad found the remains of the Norman settlement X-XI centuries. on the northern tip of Newfoundland The first information about the raids of pirates on the coast of England belong to the VIII century. Pirates attacked peaceful European cities and villages, were originally from the north - from Scandinavia, so they started calling Normans - northern people. Their swift raids had no protection. Seeing the ships under sail or red striped with a dragon's head on the heaving of the stem, the residents of the coastal areas of the house and throwing field and hastened to hide in the woods with his household goods and cattle. Hesitated died under the blows of battle-axes or became prisoners. All that the pirates could not take with them, destroyed: animals killed, houses were burned. Attempts to oppose them for a long time were unsuccessful.
One of the most likely and the most popular in the world of scientific hypothesis is a version according to which America was discovered in 1492 in the service of Spain Genoese Christopher Columbus. However, the great explorer believed that pioneered the way in Asia, making new land became known as the West Indies (from here came the term "Indians" denotes all the indigenous inhabitants of the New Earth) .Hristofor Columbus - Spanish explorer, the official discoverer of America. Contaminated idea of the "Western way" to India, he made four swimming across the Atlantic Ocean.