topic 2:
in our school there are children who lead a healthy diet. they eat everything, then they get fat, and when people are fat, it becomes difficult for them to live. and to avoid this, you need to eat healthy food that does not harm human health. and only strengthens the human body, makes it healthy and strong. there is such a problem in our school, it can be solved. in our school you need to prepare salads in the dining room, in which there will be tomatoes and cucumbers, because vegetables are good for humans, strengthens the body, there are vitamins.
Proper nutrition - for a healthy lifestyle: rules for making a balanced diet
In a healthy body — a healthy mind: why it is important to follow the rules of a healthy diet
The human body receives almost all the necessary substances through food and water. The composition of food and its properties directly affect health, physical development, ability to work, emotional state, and overall quality and life expectancy. It is difficult to find another factor that would have such a serious impact on the human body.
On a note
According to some scientists, physical health is 50% dependent on lifestyle, which includes the nature of human nutrition. Heredity and the state of the environment account for 20% each, and only 10% — for the level of medical support.
All vital functions of the body are connected with nutrition. It is a source of development of tissues and cells, their constant renewal, saturation of a person with energy. Improper nutrition ― both excessive and insufficient-can cause significant harm to human health at any age.
Principles of healthy eating: everyone should know this!
Where to start? First of all, with a firm decision to eat right.
Rule # 1. forget about fast food Forever and try not to overuse sweets.
Rule # 2. eat as many seasonal foods as Possible — they contain the maximum amount of useful substances. Winter vegetables and fruits grown in greenhouses or brought from far away, due to chemical treatment and long-term storage, not only lose all their benefits, but also become accumulators of nitrates and other harmful chemical compounds.
Rule # 3. limit the use of refined products as much as Possible: sugar, vegetable oil, white wheat flour, peeled white rice. They do not contain fiber, which is very important for the digestive tract, as well as for the nutrition of beneficial bacteria living in the intestines. That is why it is much better to eat wholegrain bread instead of white bread, and replace refined sugar with brown or even honey.
Rule # 4. Drink water. Tea, coffee and juices do not replace water. The body needs to receive at least 30-35 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight per day. Sweet sodas are completely banned, they contain too much sugar.
Rule # 5. Don't forget about protein foods. It is able to give a feeling of satiety for a long time and is also rich in amino acids. Proteins are necessary for the body to build muscle tissue and replace obsolete cells. Protein-rich foods include various types of meat, fish, squid, shrimp, nuts, mushrooms, some legumes, eggs, and cottage cheese.