5 Do the group project and make a leaflet on the environment. Read the situation and follow the instructions below. ECO-Action (Environmental Community Action; www.eco-act. org) is a new environmental group in your city. In order to encourage more people to take part in community activities, such as clearing up the local surroundings, they have decided to ask secondary school students to design a leaflet, which would invite people to participate in the forthcoming project and also provide necessary information. 1 Discuss and include the following points in the text of your leaflet. • point out the increasing number of people taking part in such activities • briefly present the project explain what way people can participate • say how this project will help the environment 2 Write 180-200 words. choose a catchy title • be informative, concise and convincing • use subheadings for clarity write in short sections • write something about each of the points in the instructions use present tenses • make it visually attractive 3 Present your leaflet in class. виготовити буклет про навколишне середовише
2. садовник включил свет в своем сарае. Львы рассмеялся. Хранитель вышел и посмотрел на часы. «Я только что услышал его ход полночь. Что не так с Биг Бен сегодня?» Садовник посмотрел на часы и пошел наверх. Львы смотрели, как он положил руки ,Биг Бен сразу же после полуночи.