I want to be a respected person. I know many people want to be a famous person because they think maybe many people will adore and respected them, but in my opinion, I want to be an ordinary and not ordinary person. The reason why I want to be an ordinary because I want to be a low-pitched person, and the reason why I want not to be an ordinary because I want to do things very high-key. I also know if you want to be a respected person first you must respect the other people and respect yourself. It is the first dream The second dream it is to be a teacher.
On Saturday my husband (took) me for a meal in a restaurant which (was recommended) in a local newspaper. The restaurant (has been) open for only three months, but it's already quite popular with young people even though it is 30 kilometres away. We enjoyed the evening as the meal was delicious and we (were served) wonderfully. Unfortunately, after we left the restaurant, we had a problem with the car as it wouldn't start though we ( had been trying) to get it started for nearly half an hour. We couldn't understand what (had happened) to the car and decided to leave it behind in the car park untill the following day. We (had) nothing else to do but call a taxi which came in about an hour.
1-е задание - смотри таблицу неправильных глаголов, вторая колонка и выпиши их оттуда.
2. He didn't wake up because he was thirsty. He woke up to go to toilet.
3. He didn't hear a noise in the kitchen. He heard a noise in the living room.
4. He didn't find three men. He found two men.
5. She didn't keep her purse in her bag. She kept her purse in the drawer in the kitchen.
6. They didn't leave at 5 o'clock. They left at 4 a.m.
7. When they left, Russel didn't watch TV. He went back to bed.
8. The police didn't catch the burglars the next day. They caught them last week.