Bring- 2) Дополните фразовые глаголы словами back, round, асross,out . She came a letter from an old friend. They came to work when we called them. This issue of Prime Magazine came two days ago Jason came to wish me Happy Birthday.
Recently our lives have become asolutely dependent on modern technologies. More and more people have computers, mobile phones and sophisticated household appliances. Nowadays mobile telephones replaced ordinary old-fashioned telephones in the houses. They are smaller in size and more convenient because they can be used anywhere. The only problem may arise if the battery is off. But in this case this problem may become a total disaster for the mobile phones owners.
The same applies to computers. Very few people today know how to send letters or telegrams. People also more see each other on the screen of the monitor than in real life. Conversations and private meetings between friends become less and less frequent. However if there is a problems with eletricity, we can face another disaster in the form of total loss of commuication.
Copying machines also do a lot of work for us. We have simply become too lazy to re-write long texts.
As to cars, motorbikes and other vehicles, they stole from us one more chance to walk and enjoy a beautiful view of the nature or of the city.
In other words modern technologies made our lives more comfortable and convernient. But at the same we lost some skills that our parents used to have.
1 How many languages are there in the world?
2 Does one in every seven people in the world speak English or Chinese?
3 What are the reasons of English popularity?
4 What language is the official language of the United Organisation?
5 Where is English a part of the 20th and 21 st centuries.?
6 What language is used by pilots?
7 Do most educated people speak fluently?
8 Leaning English gives a chance to get a better jobs, doesn't it.?
9 Is English useful when you travel?Why?
10 What will help you to master your English?