Известная кинозвезда приезжает в Вашу школу. Вы готовите вопросы для нее. Вы хотите знать: Когда она родилась; Откуда она родом; Насколько большая ее семья; Где она жила, когда была ребенком; Где она пошла в школу; Чем она интересовалась тогда; Какой ее любимый спорт был; Каковы ее хобби были; Каковы они теперь; Когда она закончила школу; Когда ее карьера началась; Сколько из ее фильмов имели успех. When were you born? Where are you from? How big is your family? Where did you live when you were a child? Where did you go to school? What were you interested in then? What was your favourite sport? What were your hobbies? What are they now? When did you finish school? When did your career begin? How many of your films were a success?
1. hate fly. 2. ask why? 3. now im seeting in the cabin, waiting for a pretty attendant who will declaire: 'Dear passengers, fasten seat belts, please" and the plane finnaly go to the destination. 4.but instead has been an hour we are on the runway, and I try not to listen to an angry lady sitting next to me, incessantly chattering in French. 5. 'бортпроводники' are forced to smile politely passengers are ready to start kick up a row.(не знаю,что за слово). 6.according to the rules of safety, two stewards must keep the situation under control, protecting the cockpit door. 7.and, listening to verbal abuse passengers, who dreaming to achieve early retirement. 8. as for me, I absolutely calm. 9.this is my fifth flight, and if we manage to arrive at the scene, I will be able to exercise their right to receive a free voucher for these airlines. 10. i've already decided that it will take a seven-day stay in the Bahamas with the placement in the most expensive hotel. 11. and hre is the stewardess: the flight is delayed due to the loss of baggage 12. oh no! 13. The last time it lost my registration on to him attached tag with another flight. 14.Then I was lucky, aircraft pilots were on strike, and my bags were found in 2 hours. 15. but here's announced over the intercom: "dear passengers, our flight was canceled, the crew of the aircraft called a strike." 16. not nbad 17. i think i'll get right on a two-week Caribbean cruise.
Traditional Irish music plays on the tin whistle.
Different Film Festivals holds every year.
Hugh Jackman knows for his role as "Wolverine"