Задание 1 Choose the most common reporting verbs used in reported speech?
1) ordered
2) said
3) told
4) offered
5) replied
Задание 2
Match the demonstrative pronouns in Direct Speech on the left to their equivalents in Reported Speech on the right.
1) those
2) there
3) that
__ these
__ here
__ this
Задание 3
Fill in say or tell in the correct form in the gaps.
1) said
2) says
3) tell
4) told
__ She always good morning to her neighbours.
__ "Go and tidy your room," she to her son.
__ The dentist me to eat less chocolate.
__ Please me what happened.
Задание 4
Make up the sentence.
__ finish
__ .
__ to
__ he
__ said
__ report
__ yesterday
__ has
__ Sam
__ his
Задание 5
Choose the correct sentence in Direct Speech to the following reported sentence:
Laura said that she might have upset her best friend.
1) "I may upset my best friend."
2) "I might have upset my best friend."
Задание 6
Match the time words in Direct Speech on the left to their equivalents in Reported Speech on the right.
1) that day/ yesterday
2) the next/ the following day
3) that night
4) then/ at the time
5) the day before/ the previous day
__ tonight
__ today
__ now
__ yesterday
__ tomorrow
Задание 7
Match the tenses in Direct Speech on the left to their equivalents in Reported Speech on the right.
1) Past Continuous (was/were doing)
2) Past Perfect (had done)
3) Past Simple (did)
4) Future in the past (would do)
__ Present Perfect (have/has done)
__ Present Simple (do/does)
__ Present Continuous (am/is/are doing)
__ Future Simple (will do)
Задание 8
Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech and choose the proper variant:
"New Year's Eve is always on December 31st", she said.
1) She said (that) New Year's Eve is always on December 31st.
2) She said (that) New Year's Eve were always on December 31st.
3) She said (that) New Year's Eve was always on December 31st.
Задание 9
Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech and choose the proper variant:
"I will do the washing up tomorrow," he told his mother.
1) He told to his mother that he would do the washing up the following day.
2) He told his mother that he would do the washing up the previous day.
3) He told his mother that he would do the washing up the following day.
Задание 10
Match the sentences in Direct Speech on the left to their equivalents in Reported Speech on the right.
1) He said (that) he had worked hard.
2) He said (that) he worked hard.
3) He said (that) he was working hard.
4) He said (that) he had worked hard.
5) He said (that) he would work hard.
__ "I have worked hard," he said.
__ "I worked hard," he said.
__ "I will work hard," he said.
__ "I work hard," he said.
__ "I am working hard," he said.
1. Family is about feelings! In any case, if there were no FEELINGS at all, the family would not have been born.
2. Either way, we need support. Even the MOST ordinary egoist.
3. Words, actions, hugs of LOVED ones or just a gesture of support of the hand, any sign or signal of support means for us that we are moving in the right direction.
4. Family is a support, it is the case when a close and necessary person BELIEVES in you and gives you “wings”.
5. Family is one passion. Don’t forget about it! If you ARE interested in something, then together!
6. Work on your family and you can become an exemplary couple! At least for US!