1 Look at the pictures and the words. 2. Bakai. clean/to washito cook eat drink wash clean help about the houselto play computer gamesloutside sweets/vegetables milk/tea/Coca-Cola dishes table homework sport do a) Aki
Хорошо известна привязанность (любовь, ну или на крайняк забота) англичан к животным. 4 миллиона котов, 6 миллионов собак, 8 миллионов птиц в клетках, а также огромное количество других животных содержатся в качестве домашних в Англии. Официально зарегистрировано 50 частных зоопарков, в которых содержатся не только кошки и собаки, но и экзотические животные. В стране существует Королевское общество по предотвращению жестокого обращения с животными, которое недавно отпраздновало свой 150-летний юбилей.
Ладно, только я буду рассказывать свою историю, ок?
When I was in my early teens, I liked spending time in summer camps. It was fun and exciting. I made a lot of friends there. Once we, I and my 3 friends, were getting back from the camp canteen after the late supper. It was dark and the illumination was poor. We were chatting and playing fool, when I saw a glimming round object in the booshes to the left side of the alley. There was something unusual about it. Suddenly I understood that the object lookes like a big eye and it was blinking. There have to be two eyes, - I thought and got scared. Can you see that too, guy? - I asked. What's that? - they replied and looked the way I was ponting my trembling finger. They saw it too, and we went running in fear from that place.
picture love health car vegetables