Now we live with different gadgets and are very used to them. If I live one day without gadgets. I would have lived like my parents before. This will be a very interesting test for me. In the morning I wake up with the usual alarm clock. I'll read the news in the newspaper. If I get bored, I'll read books or go out with friends. I'll go to school with textbooks. I will take books from the library and do my homework. I'll take a photos with a the camera. I think that I will do these things if I live without gadgets.
Now we live with different gadgets and are very used to them. If I live one day without gadgets. I would have lived like my parents before. This will be a very interesting test for me. In the morning I wake up with the usual alarm clock. I'll read the news in the newspaper. If I get bored, I'll read books or go out with friends. I'll go to school with textbooks. I will take books from the library and do my homework. I'll take a photos with a the camera. I think that I will do these things if I live without gadgets.
Вопросы. Напишите полные предложения.
Когда Хелен Ойеми написала свой первый роман?
Хелен Ойеми написала свой первый роман, когда она
Было 17 лет в школе.
1 Что случилось с двумя пьесами, которые она написала
В университете?
2 Как называется последняя книга Хелен?
3 Что говорит текст об историях в
Ее новая книга?
4 Где Хелен провела большую часть своей жизни?
5 Что Хелен делает в Праге?
Иди в свой словарный запас