THE CIRCUS MONKEY The music plays. The lights shine. The children laugh and talk. The monkey runs into the circus ring. He wears a purple jacket and a funny little hat. He runs, he jumps, he walks on his hands. He stands on a big ball and holds and umbrella. He rides a pink bicycle and plays a trumpet. He waves to the children. They laugh and clap. At night the monkey looks through the bars of his cage and sees the moon. He shuts his eyes and sleeps. He sees a forest, dark and green. He feels warm rain on his face. He hears a parrot, a snake, a tiger. He swings and swings and swings through the trees. 1. Where does the monkey play? 2. What colour is his bicycle? 3. What musical instrument does he play? 4. What does the monkey wear? 5. What does the monkey see when he sleeps? Glossary 1. laugh 2. wear носить одежду 3. walk - TYNATÁ 4. hold — IepkaTb 5. ride a bicycle - e3JHT) HA Bejochnieje 6. play a trumpet - urpath Ha tpybe 7. swing - kayaTuca смеяться - -
Ведь не все, как shut-shut-shut,
Hit-hit-hit и cut-cut-cut?
Не об стену ж beat-beat-beaten,
Лучше в рифму write-wrote-written.
Wake-woke-woken up, с утра
Разболелась голова.
Feel-felt-felt температуру,
Take-took-taken my микстуру.
Пол в квартире sweep-swept-swept,
В чистоте всё keep-kept-kept,
На досуге dream-dreamt-dreamt:
Как удачу б catch-caught-caught,
На Карибы get-got-got.
Всю работу б do-did-done,
Чтоб на остров run-ran-run,
Или лучше fly-flew-flown,
Если путь не know-knew-known.
О финансах think-thought-thought,
Пару акций sell-sold-sold.
К турагенту drive-drove-driven,
Тот советы give-gave-given,
Мне в деталях tell-told-told.
Я дыханье hоld-held-held.
Он задорно speak-spoke-spoken,
Глобус чуть не break-broke-broken.
Я терпенье lose-lost-lost:
Сколько ж это cost-cost-cost?
За услуги pay-paid-paid,
Дома завтрак make-made-made,
С аппетитом eat-ate-eaten,
SMS-ки write-wrote-written.