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20.09.2022 19:23 •  Английский язык

Прочитайте тексты о школьниках, планирующих своё будущее, и установите соответствие между текстами и утверждениями: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А – Е, подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенный цифрами 1 – 6. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишнее утверждение. The person has too many career choices.
The disability doesn’t stop the person planning a career.
Work experience was valuable to the person.
The person is unsure about his/her future.
The person has found out what is necessary for the future career.
The person follows his/her dream since childhood.
A. Zoe is in Year 9 and has always had a keen interest in animals. She plants to work for the RSPCA in the future as an inspector. She has researched the entry requirements for this type of work and has discussed the skills and experience that are needed with her personal adviser at school. Zoe has chosen to attend college in Year 10 to study a City& Guilds course, which she will combine with GCSE in school. She knows that she needs to achieve A C grades at GCSE to train with RSPCA. From her research Zoe has found that as well as academic qualifications it is important to get as much experience with animals as possible. As a result, she spends time helping on a local farm and goes horse-riding.
B. Michael is in Year 9 and enjoys most of his school subjects. He has decided to take GCSEs in additional science, product design and food technology. But he doesnt have a clear career plan at the moment. Michael talked to a range of people in and outside of school to help him make his option choices.I had an opportunity to talk to my teacher about my option choices. I also use the school's option booklet which I went through with my parents. Michael found it invaluable talking to lots of different people about what to do after Year 9, even though he doesnt have a career idea yet.
C. Michelle is in Year 10 and has a specific learning difficulty. She attends a local school where she has support in lessons. She finds the theory work very difficult and uses support from learning support assistants for reading and written work as she has problems with reading and writing. Despite her difficulties, Michelle is extremely hard-working and has already begun to plan her career. She would like to manage her own bat in the future. So, she is studying a GSCE in food technology. Michelle plans to study catering at college and will continue to get support with the theory work when she is there.
D. Since he was six years old, Ethan has loved performing and he joined his first dance school at the age of ten. Even at such a young age it was clear he was talented and in Year 8 he transferred from his local secondary school to a full-time school for performing arts. Now in Year 10, he studies acting, singing, music and dancing and a range of GCSE subjects. At first children used to tease Ethan about his singing and dancing. He thinks it has made him work harder to succeed. He has a lot of support from his family and from his teachers. Ethan's dream is to perform in the West End musical theatre, and he knows how competitive this type of work is.
E. Ann has always enjoyed sciences. She chose A levels in biology, chemistry and mathematics. During Year 12, Ann started researching careers that use sciences, and decided that she liked dentistry. She learned about courses and found some work at a dental practice. But she didnt enjoy it and it put her off a career in dentistry. Ann thought carefully about why she had not enjoyed her work experience and realised that she like research. She started to look at careers that involve scientific research. Ann finally decided that biochemistry would be perfect for her. She now has a place to study biochemistry at university. She is really glad that she arranged some work at the dental practice. I could have easily gone into dentistry without knowing fully what the job requires. It would have been wrong for me.
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A-2 B-5 C-1 D-4 E-6 я думаю вот такие ответы

4,7(20 оценок)
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Кот живет в маленьком домике. В домике кота, на кухне, живут маленькие мыши. Кот очень большой и каждый день он съедает одну или две мыши. Но на свой день рождения кот не ест мышей. Каждый год все мыши в его доме приходят отмечать день рождения кота. Конечно, кот очень рад видеть мышей. Они вручают ему подарки: пирожные, бутылки с молоком и интересные игрушки. Игрушки сделаны из бумаги и хлопка. Кот любит пирожные и молоко. Ему также нравятся игрушки.
В этом году мыши приходят на день рождения кота и говорят: "Здесь голубая лента с маленьким колокольчиком для тебя". Лента очень красивая, сделанная из шелка. Кот берет ленту, одевает ее и говорит: " Мне очень нравится лента с колокольчиком. Я собираюсь носить ее все время.".
Мыши очень счастливы. Теперь они знают, когда идет кот. Когда мыши слышат колокольчик, они покидают кухню.
4,4(68 оценок)
Kyrgyzstan differs from other countries by its unique, virgin, diverse, beautiful nature, geographical position which defines a strict change of seasons, diverse relief (primarily, mountain), favorable policy towards tourism and liberal legislation.

94% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is occupied with mountains. It has fantastic gorges covered with bright green grass, high fir-trees, and is filled with the crystal pure air. Murmur of the water in the tumultuous rivers and waterfalls are the only things which break the silence. Every gorge is unique and beautiful in its own way. The plexus of mountains located on the border with China is a location of the highest picks of the Tien-Shan mountain system - Pobeda Peak (7439 m) and Khan-Tengri (6995 m). From this point the gorges go to the west and south-west creating parallel ranges stretching for 300-400 km. The Republic southern border with Tajikistan is edged with the highest Chon-Alai (Zaalai) Range with the second highest peak in Kyrgyzstan – Lenin Peak (7134 m). Alpinists from all over the world strive for conquering these peaks. Kyrgyzstan is one of the largest regions that has the modern glaciers system. They occupy 4.2% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan with a total area of 8100 sq. km.

There are more than 2000 lakes and artificial storages in the country. The lakes occupy 3.4% of the territory. About 90% of them are high-altitude dams and enclosed lakes. Sary-Chelek Lake is a biosphere reserve located at the south-western slope of the Chatkal Range at a height of 1873.9 m above sea level. It impresses every tourist by its beauty.
The high-altitude Issyk-Kul Lake, the second largest after Lake Titicaca, is sheltered between Tien-Shan mountains at the bottom of the huge tectonic basin at a height of 1606.7 m above sea level. The Lake differs from others by its geographical, climatic, and hydrological conditions. All these make it unique medical and recovering resource for holidaymakers. Annually hundreds of tourists spend their holidays on the beaches of the Issyk-Kul Lake.

Kyrgyzstan is interesting by not only the nature but also by its culture. The Kyrgyzs are rooted in nomads and they still have all attributes of the nomadic life. You will see a yurt – unusual portable dwelling decorated with a hand-made welt carpets and ribbons, will have an opportunity to taste the national cuisine. If you wish you can stay in yurt for some time and watch the everyday life: pasturage, koumiss making, and national horse games. You are going to feel a difference between the South and the North of Kyrgyzstan by visiting both parts of the country. This is the difference in climate, nature, and culture.
Our site mission is to unveil our small sunny country for the rest of the world. The beauty of the mountain nature with its crystal pure air, the azure Issyk-Kul Lake with its warm and caressing sun, traditions peculiarities of the hospitable Kyrgyz people, historical monuments along the Great Silk Road – we want to make all of these accessible for you!
4,6(52 оценок)
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