.i reading comprehension 1)Reada story about British life and answer the questions given below, Mark the
sentences with the letter Tifthe information is true and with the letter Fifit is false.
These days most people in Britain do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it
is important to wear the right thing. Many British people don't think about clothes
very much. They like being comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they
can wear almost anything. At the theatres, cinemas and concerts they can wear what
they like - from jeans and sweaters to T-shirts and shorts. Anything is OK as long as
you look clean and neat (аккуратный).
But men in offices usually wear suits and ties (галстук) and women wear dresses or
skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers (юристы) and businessmen wear formal
clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men wear ties and women wear smart
dresses. Jeans and open shirts are sometimes not allowed (неразрешаются). It is
difficult to say exactly (точно) what people wear in Britain because everyone is
different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and do the
same (тожесамое). Or ask the advice ofa friend or your host (хозяйка). You'll be
more comfortable if(если) you don't look different from everyone else.
Mark the sentences with the letter «T» ifthe information is true and with the letter
"F" ifitis false.
a) Many British people think about their clothes very much.
b) When they go out they wear something special.
c) Women in offices usually wear trousers.
d) You can say exactly what people wear in Britain.
to enjoy themselves, they
hey can wear what
Anything is OK as long as
on wear dresses or
e) It is OK to ask your host for advice if you don't know what to wear.
2) At weekends Paul and his family do various things. What are Paul and his family
doing now? What do they usually do? Choose the correct verb form.
Iyou are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and do the
Paul's mother usually shopping on Saturdays, but now she (1) (does not go/isn'tbe
going) shopping. She (2) (reads/is reading) a tale for my little brother. But I (3)
(play/am playing) chess with my father. At the moment my sister (4) (helps/is
helping) mother to prepare chips for dinner. We always (5) (watch/are watching) our
favourite films on Sundays.
anou their cloth
un wear
3) Itis 5p.m. Bill's family is at home. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct
verb form.
Bill _
(watch) the horror film. Kate and Helen (1)
(1)_ (not watch) this film.
They (2) _ (not like) horror films. Bill's mother (3) _ (prepare) supper. His
father(4) _ (read) the newspaper at the moment. He (5)
Parlanthusiamuy do
H (5) _ (like) to read after
4) Put in there is/are or there was/were.heorec for
everyone is
thogs What or Patland his tamily
1). … three rooms in our old flat. 2). But now … four big rooms there. 3) In the
middle ofthe living - room … a table, where I can play games. 4). When I was small I
layed on the floor, because … a big carpet on the floor. 5). My brother has his own
oom. … a computer on the desk in his room.
( (helpsis er
In the evening the Browns discuss the day. They have done a lot.
Il in the gaps with the right form ofthe verb from the brackets.
ure watching) our
is holn Fitt gaps with the verbs in the correat
возраст: ранний возраст, старость, в возрасте пяти лет. В России дети идут в школу в возрасте шести лет. В каком возрасте в Англии начинается обучение в школе? перерыв: длительный перерыв, обеденный перерыв, перерыв на кофе/чай, чтобы сделать перерыв. работать с перерывом. В час дня у нас был обеденный перерыв. колледж: поступить в колледж, учиться в колледже. Нэнси - студентка музыкального колледжа. образование: начальное образование, среднее образование, высшее образование, иметь хорошее образование, получить хорошее образование. Университеты Великобритании дают студентам высшее образование. Миссис Моррисон хочет дать своим детям университетское образование. оплатить (оплачено): заплатить за ужин, заплатить в долларах, заплатить в рублях, оплатить счет. Могу я заплатить вам за это? Он собирается заплатить в долларах. Мы должны не забыть оплатить этот счет. тема: школьные предметы, университетские предметы, чтобы сделать предмет. Английский - мой любимый предмет. Сколько предметов у вас в школе? семестр: школьный семестр, университетский семестр. Когда начинается второй семестр? униформа: школьная форма, студенческая форма. Джек все еще был одет в свою старую форму. быть законченным: Когда сегодня заканчиваются ваши занятия? Урок еще не закончен. начальная школа, средняя школа: Вы сейчас учитесь в начальной или средней школе?