A person always cares about the beauty, comfort and well-being of his home. We try to keep the air in our house clean and fresh, so that dust on the shelves and closets does not accumulate, the floor shines with its cleanliness, the plants in the apartment are pleasing with their green color; we add more colors in our home, picking up bright wallpapers and color accessories. When in the house order and cleanliness, it becomes light and comfortable in the soul. However, when we go out of our safe apartments to the street, this feeling of comfort and warmth disappears. City streets are overflowing with household garbage, the air is saturated with emissions of cars and enterprises, trees are becoming less and less vehicles. Birds appear less and less in cities, and only stray dogs seek food. However, the human eye becomes accustomed to such an environment, and only those moments when a person chooses a town remind man that he is a part of nature, and that our planet is our home..
My favorite movie is Harry Potter. This film currently consists of 8 parts.
In this film, the main character - a boy whose name is Harry. In every part, Harry tries to defeat the Great Wizard - Voldemort. The 8th part ends with a happy ending for Potter.
I like this movie because the boy Harry never gave up, even when there was no chance for salvation. He is very brave and courageous. Also in the film, the actors felt their character very well. All emotions were real. It all seemed to happen in reality.
This film is interesting because it talks about things that unfortunately can happen in real life. Sad events. For example, in this film there were a lot of losses and partings. There are also good special effects.
Well, the most interesting thing about this film is, of course, the plot and the development of events. Nothing happens just like that. Every action leads after itself any consequences. There are no extra heroes. All involved in some event.
I think that this film is interesting not only to me, because it is fantastic, with mysticism. And some are boring gray days, and that at least a little to dilute them, people watch movies (preferably horror or fantasy). If the film "Harry Potter" was filmed in our time, then it would not be so exciting, because now people’s perception of the world is changing.
There are many instructive cases in the film. For example, Harry had to endure a lot of life, but he did not give up. He is strong as a person (psychologically).
Bottom line: The film "Harry Potter" is worth seeing, because it is informative, interesting and fascinating.