1. I will call you as soon as I can.
2. I am more than sure Mike will not keep his promise again.
3. What will you do after finishing university?
4. You will not pass your exam if you don't study hard.
5. Hurry up or we will miss our plane.
6. When will you finally make up your mind?
7. He will not be able to do this assignment by himself.
8. Will you tell him the truth?
9. I will be with you always no matter what!
10. Kate will be on holiday two weeks from now.
11. What will your mother say when she finds out about it all?
12. They say the weather this summer will be very hot.
13. Will you give me a lift home after the party?
14. You will not regret buying this car instead.
2. the biggest (удваиваем букву G и прибавляем окончание -est)
3. the funiest (буква Y на конце меняется на i и прибавляем окончание -est)
4. the most boring (boring имеет более 1 слога, значит само прилагательное не изменяем, а просто прибавляем “the most”)
5. the tallest (здесь просто прибавляем окончание -est)
6. the most interesting (прилагательное имеет более одного слога, значит само прилагательное не изменяем, а просто прибавляем “the most”)