1. Take another helping .of.. salad. 2. I think I'll trouble you ..for. a second cup of tea. 3. Will you please pass ..me. the sugar. 4. She is going to make some fish soup .for. dinner. 5. Marmalade is made ..from. orange peel. 6. The egg is eaten .with.. a small spoon. 7. Their meal consisted .of.. two courses. 8. What can you recommend .for/as.. the first course? 9. The meat is done ..with. a turn. 10. No sugar .for.. me, thank you. 11..At.. midday people have their meals .at.. home or .in/at.. the canteen. 12. Custard is made .from.. eggs and milk. 13. The fish is just.to.. my liking. 14. Evening meal goes .under.. various names .in.. England. 15. I don't take milk .in.. my tea. 16. Help yourself ..to. some pastry. 17. Broth is made ..by. boiling chicken. 18. Will you please hand .over.. the salt-cellar? 19. What do you usually order .for.. dessert? 20. The way to refuse .from.. a dish is .by.. saying "No, thank you." 21. You may ask ..for. a second helping.
Hello Bella! I really like shopping in Moscow. Here we have many different shops how world brands so the small comission shops. It is really interesting to do shopping in winter, when its cold outside but when you buy things you like you get warm inside of you. Usually I do shopping with my mum because she has a really nice style, but sometimes with my BFF`s. Last week I baught a pair of new jeans and three t-shirts in zara.
Привет, Белла! Мне очень нравится ходить по магазинам в Москве. Здесь у нас много разных магазинов, как мировые бренды, так и небольшие комиссионные магазины. Очень интересно делать покупки зимой, когда холодно снаружи, но когда вы покупаешь вещи, которые тебе нравятся, ты согреваешся из внутри. Обычно я делаю покупки с мамой, потому что у нее действительно хороший стиль, но иногда с моими лучшими подружками. На неделе я купила пару новых джинсов и три футболки в заре.