Употребите глагол в Present Simple/ Continuous/ Past Simple/ Future Simple. 1. The train is never late. It always (leave) in time. 2. Don’t worry about your exam. I’m sure you (pass) it.
Red Square is one of the most famous Russia's places of interest. It is located right in the heart of Moscow. The only sculptured monument on the square is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who helped to clear Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612, during the Time of Troubles. Red Square is often considered to be the central square of Moscow since the city's major streets, which connect to Russia's major highways, originate in the square.
Перевод: Красная площадь - одна из самых известных достопримечательностей России. Он расположен прямо в центре Москвы. Единственный скульптурный памятник на площади - бронзовая статуя Кузьмы Минина и Дмитрия Пожарского, которые очистить Москву от польских захватчиков в 1612 году во время Смутного времени. Красная площадь часто считается центральной площадью Москвы, так как главные улицы города, которые соединяются с основными автомагистралями России, происходят на площади.
Hello! My name is ... (ваше имя). I live in Tyumen. I want to tell you about this town. Tyumen is very beatiful place! This town was founded in 1586 during the reign of Fedor Ivanovich. Before, Tyumen was the fortress of Tatar Khanate. Now, Tyumen is one of the biggest town in Siberia. The town Tyumen is famous for its attractions. Tyumen has 17 objects of cultural heritage of federal importance, not counting the objects in the complexes. Also, there are many monuments: the monument of Yuri Ervie, the monument of Nikolai Kuznetsov, the monument of Mother, the monument of Revolution, the monument of the fallen police officers and many others. So, there are many people, who was born in Tyumen. For example, the famous storyteller, who wrote "The Little Humpbacked Horse", Petr Pavlovich Ershov, was born in this town; the Russian traveler Ermak, whose history is almost unknown, likely was born in Tyumen.
Red Square is one of the most famous Russia's places of interest. It is located right in the heart of Moscow. The only sculptured monument on the square is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who helped to clear Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612, during the Time of Troubles. Red Square is often considered to be the central square of Moscow since the city's major streets, which connect to Russia's major highways, originate in the square.
Перевод: Красная площадь - одна из самых известных достопримечательностей России. Он расположен прямо в центре Москвы. Единственный скульптурный памятник на площади - бронзовая статуя Кузьмы Минина и Дмитрия Пожарского, которые очистить Москву от польских захватчиков в 1612 году во время Смутного времени. Красная площадь часто считается центральной площадью Москвы, так как главные улицы города, которые соединяются с основными автомагистралями России, происходят на площади.