Work in threes. Role play a complaint to the Advertising Standards
Pupil A - Mr Yarrulin. Read this page.
Pupil B - Mrs Nazarova is an
Advertising Standards Authority
employee. Read page 78.
Pupil C - The director of the firm
Navro‘z. Read page 76.
Pupil A - Mr Yarrulin, makes the first
phone call.
You saw an advert about a special offer
from the firm Navro‘z. They advertised
1000 high quality personal business cards
made for a cheap price. You ordered some
cards. You received your cards. You were
not satisfied because Navro‘z printed
your business cards on cheap paper. But
their advert said they would print them on
cardboard. You spoke to them yesterday
but they refused to change their work. You
phone the Advertising Standards Authority.
You complain that their advert is untrue.
Pupil B - Mrs Nazarova is an advertising Standards Authority employee. Copy and
complete the form in 2c on page 77.
You receive a phone call from Mr Yarrulin. He has a complaint about the firm ‘Navro‘z’.
There is a problem with their advert for business cards. Say you will look into the problem
and that you will call back. Then you telephone the company Navro‘z and ask to speak to
the director. Explain Mr Yarrulin’s complaint. Ask the director what he will do to solve the
problem.Pupil C - The director of the firm Navro‘z.
You receive a phone call from Mrs Nazarova of the Advertising Standards Authority. She
tells you about a complaint. Say sorry, there was a mistake and the wrong paper was used.
Offer to print new business cards for Mr Yarrulin today and say you will not make any more
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