I like space. It's a vary beautiful place. Each star - it's something special, every of them talks about his history. And neither is like the other. Planets - how many interesting things in this word. Planets, that each rotate for centuries. Are you saying, that there are only 7 planets in the universe? Oh, no, them mach more. This space - more mysterious and intresting, than you think. He hides a lot of secrets...
Я люблю космос. Это очень красивое место. каждая звездочка - это что-то особенное, каждая из них рассказывает о своей истории. И ни одна не похожа на другую. Планеты - сколько интересного в этом слове. Планеты, которая каждая из них вращается веками. Вы хотите сказать, что в вселенной всего 7 планет? О, нет, их гораздо больше. Этот космос - гораздо загадочнее и интереснее, чем вы думаете. Он скрывает очень много секретов...
В пассиве возможны 2 варианта:
262. Julian was told the truth by Fiona.
The truth was told to Julian by Fiona.
(Past Simple Passive -was/were+V3)
263. We hope an invitation will be sent to us by them.
We hope we will be sent an invitation.
(Future Simple Passive - will be+V3)
264. A new job has been offered to me by them.
I have been offered a new position by them
(Present Perfect Passive - have/has been+v3)
265. This medicine has been prescribed to me by my doctor.
I have been prescribed this medicine by my doctor
(Present Perfect Passive - have/has been+v3)
266. The bill has just been brought to us by the waiter.
We have just been brought the bill by the waiter.
(Present Perfect Passive - have/has been+v3)