1. The cat is ____ the table.
- under (The cat is under the table.)
Explanation: The cat is positioned below or beneath the table.
2. I am going to the store _____ buy some groceries.
- to (I am going to the store to buy some groceries.)
Explanation: The purpose of going to the store is to purchase groceries.
3. She walked ______ the park on her way home.
- through (She walked through the park on her way home.)
Explanation: She passed from one side to the other side of the park while going home.
4. He jumped ______ the river to reach the other side.
- over (He jumped over the river to reach the other side.)
Explanation: He leapt from one side of the river to the other side without touching the water.
5. The book is _______ the shelf in the library.
- on (The book is on the shelf in the library.)
Explanation: The book is positioned above or resting upon the shelf.
6. The student ran _______ the classroom door just before it closed.
- through (The student ran through the classroom door just before it closed.)
Explanation: The student passed from one side to the other side of the classroom door.
7. The spider crawled ______ the wall and disappeared.
- up (The spider crawled up the wall and disappeared.)
Explanation: The spider moved in an upward direction along the wall.
8. The bird flew ________ the tree and landed on the branch.
- to (The bird flew to the tree and landed on the branch.)
Explanation: The bird flew in the direction of the tree and then perched on a branch.
9. The bus stopped ________ the bus stop to pick up passengers.
- at (The bus stopped at the bus stop to pick up passengers.)
Explanation: The bus came to a halt or paused at the designated bus stop.
10. She walked _______ the street carefully to avoid the traffic.
- across (She walked across the street carefully to avoid the traffic.)
Explanation: She moved from one side of the street to the other side while being cautious of the oncoming traffic.
Конечно, давай разберемся с каждым словом по очереди:
1. cherry (чери) - два слога "cher-ry", ударение падает на первый слог "cher".
apple (яблокo) - два слога "ap-ple", ударение падает на первый слог "ap".
pepper (перец) - два слога "pep-per", ударение падает на второй слог "per".
spinach (шпинат) - два слога "spin-ach", ударение падает на первый слог "spin".
2. aubergine (баклажан) - три слога "aub-er-gine", ударение падает на первый слог "aub".
banana (банан) - три слога "ba-na-na", ударение падает на первый слог "ba".
tomato (помидор) - три слога "to-ma-to", ударение падает на второй слог "ma".
pineapple (ананас) - три слога "pine-ap-ple", ударение падает на второй слог "ap".
3. strawberry (клубника) - три слога "straw-ber-ry", ударение падает на первый слог "straw".
raspberry (малина) - три слога "rasp-ber-ry", ударение падает на первый слог "rasp".
carrot (морковь) - два слога "car-rot", ударение падает на первый слог "car".
lettuce (салат) - два слога "let-tuce", ударение падает на первый слог "let".
4. avocado (авокадо) - три слога "av-o-ca-do", ударение падает на первый слог "av".
cauliflower (цветная капуста) - два слога "cau-li-flow-er", ударение падает на второй слог "li".
helicopter (вертолет) - три слога "hel-i-cop-ter", ударение падает на первый слог "hel".
spectacular (зрелищный) - три слога "spec-tac-u-lar", ударение падает на второй слог "tac".
Надеюсь, это поможет тебе понять, где ударение падает в каждом из данных слов. Если у тебя возникнут еще вопросы, не стесняйся спрашивать!
- under (The cat is under the table.)
Explanation: The cat is positioned below or beneath the table.
2. I am going to the store _____ buy some groceries.
- to (I am going to the store to buy some groceries.)
Explanation: The purpose of going to the store is to purchase groceries.
3. She walked ______ the park on her way home.
- through (She walked through the park on her way home.)
Explanation: She passed from one side to the other side of the park while going home.
4. He jumped ______ the river to reach the other side.
- over (He jumped over the river to reach the other side.)
Explanation: He leapt from one side of the river to the other side without touching the water.
5. The book is _______ the shelf in the library.
- on (The book is on the shelf in the library.)
Explanation: The book is positioned above or resting upon the shelf.
6. The student ran _______ the classroom door just before it closed.
- through (The student ran through the classroom door just before it closed.)
Explanation: The student passed from one side to the other side of the classroom door.
7. The spider crawled ______ the wall and disappeared.
- up (The spider crawled up the wall and disappeared.)
Explanation: The spider moved in an upward direction along the wall.
8. The bird flew ________ the tree and landed on the branch.
- to (The bird flew to the tree and landed on the branch.)
Explanation: The bird flew in the direction of the tree and then perched on a branch.
9. The bus stopped ________ the bus stop to pick up passengers.
- at (The bus stopped at the bus stop to pick up passengers.)
Explanation: The bus came to a halt or paused at the designated bus stop.
10. She walked _______ the street carefully to avoid the traffic.
- across (She walked across the street carefully to avoid the traffic.)
Explanation: She moved from one side of the street to the other side while being cautious of the oncoming traffic.