The day in November when English kids collect money in the streets and make a scarecrow is called Guy Fawkes' Day.
Guy Fawkes' Day, also known as Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night, is celebrated on November 5th in England. It commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when a group of conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London.
During the celebration, kids go out into the streets with homemade scarecrows or effigies of Guy Fawkes. These effigies are made using old clothes, stuffed with newspapers, and given a mask or painted face. The children stand by their scarecrows, usually outside local shops or busy areas, and ask passersby for money or coins. This tradition is known as "Penny-for-the-Guy," where people give money in exchange for the scarecrow.
The money collected by the children is often used for buying fireworks or contributing to community bonfires held in the evening. The main event of Guy Fawkes' Day is the lighting of bonfires and setting off fireworks. Families and communities gather around these bonfires and enjoy the mesmerizing display of fireworks. It is a time for people to come together, have fun, and remember the historical event that took place over 400 years ago.
In conclusion, Guy Fawkes' Day is a special day in November when English kids collect money in the streets and make scarecrows to commemorate the failed Gunpowder Plot. It is a day filled with fun activities such as collecting coins, making scarecrows, lighting bonfires, and setting off fireworks.
Мария Кюри родилась 7 ноября 1867 года в Варшаве, Польша. Ее полное имя - Мария Склодовская-Кюри.
Мария и ее сестра вынуждены были искать работу из-за трудных финансовых условий и из-за того, что женщины имели ограниченные возможности для получения высшего образования в те времена.
В Париже, сестра Марии - Бронислава - работала на преподавателя, тогда как Мария училась физике и математике в Сорбонне, престижном университете в Париже.
После окончания университета, Мария начала заниматься научными исследованиями и стала изучать радиоактивность стихий, таких как уран и торий. Она проводила эксперименты вместе со своим мужем Пьером Кюри.
Марие и Пьеру Кюри потребовалось около 4 лет, чтобы изолировать радий в чистом виде. Они использовали большое количество руды, чтобы получить небольшое количество радия.
За свои достижения в области физики, Мария и Пьер были удостоены Нобелевской премии по физике в 1903 году.
Мария Кюри получила Нобелевскую премию по химии в 1911 году за свои исследования в области радиоактивности и изучения радия и полония.
До Марии Кюри в истории Нобелевских премий в химии и физике не было женщин-лауреатов. Она стала первой женщиной, которая получила Нобелевскую премию и первой человеком, которая получила две Нобелевских премии.
Таким образом, Мария Кюри была выдающейся ученой, чьи исследования и открытия в области радиоактивности принесли ей престижные Нобелевские премии и открыли новый путь в науке для женщин.
Guy Fawkes' Day, also known as Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night, is celebrated on November 5th in England. It commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when a group of conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London.
During the celebration, kids go out into the streets with homemade scarecrows or effigies of Guy Fawkes. These effigies are made using old clothes, stuffed with newspapers, and given a mask or painted face. The children stand by their scarecrows, usually outside local shops or busy areas, and ask passersby for money or coins. This tradition is known as "Penny-for-the-Guy," where people give money in exchange for the scarecrow.
The money collected by the children is often used for buying fireworks or contributing to community bonfires held in the evening. The main event of Guy Fawkes' Day is the lighting of bonfires and setting off fireworks. Families and communities gather around these bonfires and enjoy the mesmerizing display of fireworks. It is a time for people to come together, have fun, and remember the historical event that took place over 400 years ago.
In conclusion, Guy Fawkes' Day is a special day in November when English kids collect money in the streets and make scarecrows to commemorate the failed Gunpowder Plot. It is a day filled with fun activities such as collecting coins, making scarecrows, lighting bonfires, and setting off fireworks.