The ideal family is people who understand each other without unnecessary words. If the parents experience real feelings, it is noticeable even to the naked eye. The tenderness with which the father treats the mother, their general attention to the children. In such an environment, quarrels and conflicts are impossible. Relatives should strive to spend all their free time together. Even if someone has a bad mood, then a loved one tries to help cope with the difficulties that have arisen
Source: Essay on the Ideal Family!
Идеальная семья – это люди, которые понимают друг друга без лишних слов. Если родители испытывают настоящие чувства, это заметно даже невооруженным глазом. Нежность, с которой папа относится к маме, их общее внимание к детям. В такой обстановке невозможны ссоры и конфликты. Все свободное время родственники должны стремиться проводить вместе. Даже если у кого-то испортиться настроение, то близкий человек старается справиться с появившимися трудностями
Источник: Сочинение на тему Идеальная семья
Rudolf Diesel was born on March 18, 1858 in the family of a book binder in Paris. The boy was educated in Germany. Rudolph became interested in steam and heat engines. He worked hard to create a more perfect engine, but he did not succeed for a long time. In 1890, the engineer moved to Berlin and decided to replace the ammonia in Linde's engines with heated compressed air.
Rudolf Diesel on February 28, 1892 receives a patent "Working process and method for making single-cylinder and multi-cylinder engines." He dreamed of conquering the world.
In 1895, Diesel's engine ran at 88 for a full minute and developed 13.2 horsepower. But because of the high temperature, the hornet burned out, and the valve springs burst. Rudolph decided to supply the engine with a cooling system and mount a spark plug. But this idea did not give the desired result. He worked without rest for more than 2 weeks. And here it is a breakthrough - Diesel's improved machine had an efficiency twice as high as that of a steam one. Engineering tycoons lined up for the engineer's patents, money poured in to him like a river.
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