3. Read the text. Write down new vocabulary. Answer the questions. Vocabulary bank Boring great almost later unfortunately remember during maybe My summer holidays are often a little boring, but my summer holiday last year was great my family and I got onto an airplane and flew to Vancouver! It was our first time to visit Canada. We got up very early almost every day and did lots of really fun and interesting things. On our first day, we visited Stanley Park and the Vancouver Art Gallery. Later in the week, we visited some museums and then got on a special boat to watch whales. It was fantastic! I took lots of photos. Of course, we also visited our cousins who live in Vancouver. One evening, they had a barbeque and we ate at their home. After we finished our food, we invited them to come to our home one day. Unfortunately, we didn't swim in the ocean because the water was too cold, but we did do many other fun things. Finally, after two weeks, before we left Vancouver, my family and I went shopping and bought lots of souvenirs to help us remember our time in Canada. Maybe we can travel again during my next summer holiday. Maybe we can make plans to visit Japan or Brazil!
Нептун - восьмая от Солнца и самая удаленная планета Солнечной системы. Это газовый гигант и представитель категории солнечных планет внешней системы. Плутон вылетел из планетарного списка, поэтому Нептун замыкает цепочку.Нептун нельзя отыскать без использования инструментов. Впервые его заметили лишь в 1846 году. Позицию вычислили математически. Имя дано в честь морского божества у римлян.Экваториальные облака выполняют оборот за 18 часов.Он меньше Урана, но превосходит по массе. Под тяжелой атмосферой скрываются слои водорода, гелия и метановых газов. Есть вода, аммиак и метановый лед. Внутреннее ядро представлено скалой.В 1989 году мимо Нептуна пролетел Вояджер-2, приславший первые крупномасштабные снимки системы. Также за планетой наблюдал телескоп Хаббл.
Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun and the farthest planet in the Solar system. It is a gas giant and a representative of the solar planets category of the external system. Pluto flew from the planetary list, so Neptune closes the chain.Neptune is impossible to find without the use of tools. It was first noticed only in 1846. The position was calculated mathematically. The name is given in honor of the sea deity of the Romans.Equatorial clouds serve as a rotation for 18 hours.It is smaller than Uranium, but superior in mass. Under the heavy atmosphere are hidden layers of hydrogen, helium and methane gases. There's water, ammonia and methane ice. The inner core is represented by a rock.In 1989, Voyager 2 flew past Neptune and sent the first large-scale images of the system. Also the planet was observed by the Hubble space telescope.