2. Заполните пропуски, используя текст диалога.
1. As you know this city is full of attractions and entertainment.
2. There are one-week tours starting from the 21st of June.
3. By the way, you’ll see many other attractions on your way to Pafos.
4. No doubt, that you will like it.
5. It’s a at the center of Ayia-Napa.
3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя информацию из диалога.
1. В каком городе вы планируете остановиться?
Which city do you plan to stay in?
2. Это – исторический город со старинной архитектурой.
It's a historic city with old architecture.
3. Вы проведете целых семь дней там.
You'll spend seven full days there.
4. Могу ли я Вам чем-нибудь
What can I do for you?
5. Там много ресторанов греческой, итальянской и средиземноморской кухни.
There are lots of restaurants of Greek, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine.
. If the company offered me the job, I think I would take it. 2. I'm sure Liz will lend you some money. I would be very
surprised if she refused. 3. Many people would be out of work if that factory closed down. 4. If she sold her car, she would not get much money for it. 5. They're expecting us. They would be disappointed if we would not come. 6. Would George be angry if I taked his bicycle without asking? 7. Ann gave me this ring. She would be terribly upset if I lost it. 8. If someone walked in here with a gun, I'd be very frightened. 9. What would happen if you did not go to work tomorrow? 10. I'm sure she would understand if you explained the situation to her.
D: What did you do this weekend, January?
J: I went riding a bike for the first time.
D: Wow! It sounds great.
J: Yes, it was amazing.Bamazing.But I had problems first.
D. Why? What problems?
J: I fell off the bike.
D: Did you try again?
J: Yeah, after a few tries I learned how to do it. I loved it!
D: Was it great? It sounds fantastic.
J: Yes, it was.
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