1. He speaks English well.
2. We don't discuss news at home.
3. His wife doesn't ride a motorbike.
4. Does Amina drink coffee?
5. My boyfriend belives me.
6. My mother works at university.
1. I slept bad yesterday.
2. My friend doesn't go to college last week.
3. Our teacher promised us good marks.
4. Did you take my pen?
5. He doesn't understand me.
6. This teacher taught us English.
1. I will tell you it tomorrow.
2. I hope she will come to the cinema with us.
3. Will you learn this rule for tomorrow?
4. We will not use this book.
5. I will tell nothing her.
6. He will win, I am sure.
1. We are from Russia.
2. They are my mother and father.
3. What is his name?
4. Where are you from?
5. отсутствует в задании
6. Are you Ben?
1. His name isn't Tim.
2. My friend isn't from Africa.
3. She isn't from Russia.
4. They aren't my mother and father.
1. I was there yesterday.
2. My brother and sister are students.
3. We are best friends.
1. My cat wasn't nice.
2. His friend wasn't sportsman.
3. Our teacher wasn't kind.
1. Were they at home?
2. Where were you yesterday?
3. отсутствует в задании
4. Was your sister at school?
1. I will be at home tomorrow.
2.We will be good students.
1. I will not be at home tomorrow.
2.They will not be together.
1. Will you be there?
2. Will your sister be at home?
3. Will she be at college?
3. Дописать глаголы be had come did drunk кушать give went read сказать see spoken taken tell heard понимать write. Не понял вопрос, что дописать, куда?
1.seventy-two - 72
2.fifty-six - 56
3.twenty-three - 23
4.forty-eight - 48
5.thirty-one - 31
6.four hundred and ten - 410
7.six hundred and sixty - 660
8.nine hundred and twenty-five - 925
9.two hundred and seventeen - 217
10.three hundred and fifteen - 315
1. 30 - thiry
2. 301 - three hundred and one
3. 14 - fourteen
4. 38 - thirty-eight
5. 1018 - one thousand eighteen
6. 235 - two hundred thirty-five
7. 11 - eleven
8. 134 - one hundred thirty-four
9. 1180 - one thousand one hundred eighty
10. 3768 - three thousand seven hundred sixty-eight
About my self
Hi, I'm Ban. I was born on the 25th of July in 2001, which means I am 19 years old now. I have been living and studying in Moscow untill I was in 7th class (14 years old), then I moved to London with my family.
I love going to school and I have always taken my studies very seriously. I have got big dreams, when it comes to studies. Since I was 6 years old, I decided to be a doctor. I don't really know why I decided to be a doctor. I just love hospitals.
Some interests I have got are; reading books, wacthing movies, cooking and praying. I love to read books, because books can always be true friends. They never demand neither do they complain. This is the way I look upon books. Mostly I read novels. Currently I am reading a novel called "Harry Potter".
Cooking has been a huge interest of mine. My mom's a great cook- especially in asian cooking. I think I have got it from her. From my point of view, having learned how to cook, makes a persons life much easier.
I belive i can carry out. It only take time.
На украинском Завжди мати при собі необхідні речі для виживання, такі як: екстрені ковдри, мотузки або мотури, таблетки для очищення води, аптечку першої до , засоби для розпалювання вогню, потужний фонарик або ліхтарик на голову, нож, компас та сигнальне дзеркало12.
Носити захисні окуляри та маску для обличчя або бандану для захисту від пилових бурь1.
Не забувайте про правильне харчування та гігієну. Пам’ятайте про правильне зберігання їжі та води3.
Якщо ви заблукали, намагайтеся знайти орієнтир або маршрут до цивілізації2.
Не забувайте про безпеку. Не підходьте до незнайомих рослин і тварин2.
Якщо вам потрібно рухатися вдень, намагайтеся робити це вранці або ввечері, коли є менше спеки2.
Якщо у вас немає достатньої кількості води, не панікуйте і не п’йте її зразу ж багато. Потреба у воді може бути помилковою і може бути задоволена шляхом зменшення фізичної активності
На английском
Always have the necessary survival items with you, such as emergency blankets, ropes or harnesses, water purification tablets, a first aid kit, fire starting equipment, a powerful flashlight or head torch, knife, compass and signal mirror12.
Wear protective goggles and a face mask or bandana to protect against dust storms1.
Do not forget about proper nutrition and hygiene. Remember to store food and water properly3.
If you get lost, try to find a landmark or route to civilization2.
Do not forget about safety. Do not approach unfamiliar plants and animals2.
If you need to move during the day, try to do so in the morning or evening when it is less hot2.
If you don't have enough water, don't panic and don't drink too much at once. The need for water may be false and can be met by reducing physical activity
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